The Gift of Color.

Just working around the studio, they are for sale, but let the music sooth you. Canon in D is a beautiful tune. <3 enjoy my friends.

Bartholomew Cubbins

Who is he? If the name sounds familiar it is, in reality he is a Dr. Seuss character, but not the one we're talking about today. He's actually the writer and director of the newest 30 Seconds to Mars video Hurricane, which has just been banned from MTV. (but we'll get to that later.) I wanted to see who he was and apparently it is an alias for none other than Jared Leto himself. Yes boys and girls, the lovable junkie from Requiem for A Dream, and that bastard suit in American Psycho, is actually an aspiring artist. Pushing the envelope for home comforts and bedroom taboos. Back to MTV's claims of something being "unfit for tv". According to the company they are banning it because of a scene where "a woman slides her hand over the crotch of another woman's leather panties." If you watch it you can find out for yourself why it should have been banned, considering that the scene is about 9 minutes into the short film (which is 13 minutes long). Yes MTV, why don't you teach us about what ok when all I see from you is "big booty bitches" oiled up all over cars having money fly at them, or strangers dating each other and undermining the fellow contestants to win the heart, hand, and bank account of the spouse that will be divorced in 6 months so they can still cash out on their prenups. Or maybe the bar hopping womanizing men, who flex their muscles while applying some umptenth coat of hair wax, and listening to their gal pals who have more credit then sense totally embarrassing the rest of us. Please indulge us with your corporate bearing wisdom.

Watch the video and tell me, is this really the worst thing you've ever seen on MTV?